What is Youth Artopia

Youth Artopia is an art contest designed to connect all youths within the age of 10-18 with a passion for art from all over the world. There is no limit to the talents we want to celebrate.  

Youth Artopia是一项让世界上所有热爱艺术的青年人(年龄在10-18岁)的国际艺术比赛。我们想庆祝艺术才华是没有限制的。


Why Participate

  1. An opportunity to show off your work internationally and open to a new perspective as well.  是一个在国际上展示你的作品并打开新视角的机会。

  2. A great opportunity to connect students globally sharing their different themes, styles, and inspirations for their art. 这是一个绝佳的机会,可以让全球的学生艺术家们分享他们不同的艺术主题、风格和灵感。

  3. You can get experience in viewing your work as a body and practice considering your art from an ‘outside’ perspective. 你可以获得将你的作品作为一个整体的经验,并练习从 外部 的角度来审视自己的艺术作品。

  4. Placing high is also an accomplishment that can be added to your resume, discussed in college application interviews, or simply to gain credibility as an artist. 排名靠前也是一项成就,可以添加到你的简历中,在申请大学的面试中讨论,或者仅仅是为了获得作为艺术家的声誉。

  5. Getting into the top 6 of each age group would mean many enticing cash prizes. 进入每个年龄组的前6名将意味着许多诱人的现金奖励。

  6.  Besides the cash prizes, you can be featured in and possibly win an art book that contains the passionate work of talented youth peer artists. 除了现金奖励外,你的获奖作品还会被收录入本届艺术大赛获奖作品画册集,其中收录了参加本界比赛的才华横溢的同龄艺术家的获奖作品。


How Does It Work 如何运作

  1. The art contests are held by age group once per year. Our contest this year will be based on two themes: 1) Breaking Barriers, 2) One World, One Earth. Student artists may create art pieces based on their interpretation of one/both of the themes. Artists need to submit the visual images of their artworks through the website portal by following the submission requirements by the deadline provided. Every student artist can submit up to 3 pieces of artwork. 本比赛按照不同年龄组在每年举办一次。今年的比赛将有两个主题:1) 突破隔阂,2)一个世界,一个地球。参赛者可以根据他们对一个/两个主题的理解来进行艺术创作。参赛者需要在提供的截止日期前按照提交要求通过网站门户提交其作品的照片。每位参赛者可提交最多3幅作品。 
  2. The contest is broken down to two age groups: age 10-14 and age 15-18。比赛分为两个年龄组:10-14岁和15-18岁。
  3. Panel judges will review and evaluate each submission based on Artistic creativity, Professional skills proficiency, Artistic expression, and originality. 评委将根据视觉构图和呈现、专业技术、创造力和原创性、传递信息和相关性对每份提交的作品进行审阅评估。
  4. Top 50 of all submissions will be featured in the Artbook. The top 10 best pieces of art from each age group will receive a free copy of the Artbook. Youth Artopia 每年将会出版 一本作品集画册《Youth Artopia Global Excellent Artworks 》,参赛作品各年龄组排行前50名的作品将会被包括在此作品集画册中 。10-14 岁和 15-18 岁年龄组的前 10 名获奖者将会免费获得一本作品集画册。
  5. The following prices are set to each age group 每个年龄组设立以下奖项:

Gold Prize                         $150 + Winner Certificate 

金奖                                    $150美元 + 获奖证书

Silver Prize                       $100 each +  Winner Certificate 

银奖                                    $100美元 + 获奖证书

Bronze Prize                    $50 each +  Winner Certificate 

铜奖                                    $50美元 + 获奖证书


Honorable Mention      Winner Certificate 

优秀奖                                获奖证书